The project was for Renovation of 3 existing blocks, construction of new admnistration block and a toilet. This was intended to improve and create a more condussive learning environment fort he pupils and the staff.
The project was for Renovation of 3 existing blocks, construction of new admnistration block and a toilet. This was intended to improve and create a more condussive learning environment fort he pupils and the staff.
The School was constructed with the support of KAP in terms of supervision, capacity building and project admnistration. The construction officially ended on 30.04.2024. The aim of the school is to advocate and promote inclussion of the disabled children in school learning and social life.
The institute is registered as SLM Tailoring and hairdressing, its main objective is to enable the youth, most especially girls, acquire skills that will enable them to start their own jobs and solve the problem of un- employment in the country.
The institute management committee is paving way to improve on the running courses (hairdressing and tailoring) and also to start other courses like; computer training, carpentry and joinery, mechanical engineering, building and construction, welding and metal works, nursery teaching, catering, plumbing, fashion and designing. The institute management has managed to renovate the institute building by;
The sheltering and shuttering of the classroom blocks and administration block, has been completed.Ceiling construction and plastering in progress
After a long time St Benedict School was faced by many challenges that resulted from water shortage.
Finally after the installation of the water harvest system all the above challenges were solved. The project was funded by ERBACHER STIFFTUNGGERMAN; a water harvesting installation started on 7th/December/2020 and was successfully completed on 9/January/2021. The installation project activities started by fixing gutters, fixing down pipes, construction of tank bases, installation of water tanks and construction of walls around the water tanks in order to protect the water tanks from any danger.